These four values are important and makeup who I am both personally and professionally. As I make my way through the Journalism field I will uphold these values as I believe they will help me excel and find new opportunities.
I always look to put my best effort into everything I do. I understand that in order to achieve the success you have to be patient and dedicate yourself to learning a little bit every day. It is important to be persistent and understand that with every mistake there is a learning curve.
Throughout my education career, I have made many changes both career-wise and regarding the environment, I was in. I have moved places quite a few times but with every new challenge I learned new things and gained useful experience that can be applied to the real world.
I always make the effort to educate myself that everyone has different experiences, backgrounds, strengths, and weaknesses and as I make my way to the Journalism field I understand that being respectful and understanding to the people around me will help me make connections and excel professionally.
Nothing in my life I was able to achieve in a short time. It takes time to develop knowledge, skills, and techniques, and being understanding of that has helped me enjoy learning everything I experience both in college and outside.